Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Oh my, oh my I just have to say how proud of myself I am!!!!  I am part of a wool applique group on Facebook that anyone can join.  In December the group decided to do two blocks of the month by Norma Whaley of Timeless Traditions ... Winter Wonderland and Silent Night.  I convinced a couple of girlfriends that they should do the WW quilt too.  We decided to work on it every month; my sweet friend that LOVES Christmas decided that since it was a Christmas quilt, every month on the 25th we would get together to sew on this quilt.  We had to skip January, so today was our first Christmas sew day.
It was hilarious ... she decorated for Christmas with two tiny Christmas trees and a Christmas quilt.  We had Christmas dishes to eat lunch on and Christmas mugs to drink our coffee out of!
Oh and we can't have Christmas sewing without Christmas music!

This pattern is so much fun ... I don't do a lot of applique anymore, but love this pattern because the applique pieces are quite large.  For instance, the first month we are working on the tree blocks ... each block measures around 12 1/2 x 28 1/2 ... that is a large block!  In the group, our esteemed leader, Julie Kursave, laid out a timetable so it would be easy to keep up with the stitching.

Month 1 was trees, month 2 log cabins, and month 3, angel block.  When you get three good friends together, two sewing machines, and lots of Christmas cheer this is what you get:

I did most of the tracing of the applique shapes on the pellon (we are using the double applique method because I have a bolt of pellon that I have had forever); Mindy did cutting and sewing, Michelle did cutting and sewing, and I did a little sewing, but in addition to my pellon job, my main job was turning the shapes.  It is great to sew with friends because you share material and ideas.  I just love the combinations that come out of teamwork and brainstorming!  Julie joined us later and she had a beautiful Christmas quilt she was starting to cut out, but I didn't get any pictures of it unfortunately.

Michelle's block before she got is glued on:
Mindy's block:

Needless to say I love their blocks more than my own!  Aren't they lovely??

There are two tree blocks in this quilt, here is my other block:

What a great day, and I am amazed that even in February, I still love Christmas music!!  We did get a good jump in our angel blocks, and will continue to work on those next month.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what's the name of the facebook group? Sounds like fun!