Saturday, October 15, 2011


What happened to Friday???  I sewed at the store for a class finishing the wool project I started a couple of weeks ago.  I'll have to remember to take a picture ... very cute, but lots of work.  A wool tote, pin cushion and needle keep.  We needed three classes to get it finished!  Then I came home and FINALLY started sewing on my Christmas quilt that I've been trying to work on.  Truth be told, it is a lot of applique, and I just don't love applique the way I used to.  I like the look, but I much prefer piecing.  So I buckled down and got all the hearts done.  There are hearts and stars ... at least I got the hearts done.  Here they are before sewing them down.
It's a little dark, but you get the idea.  See why it took me so long to do?  The quilt is really cute, and I can't wait to finish it.  The store is having a big Christmas kick off the beginning of November.  We have a kit night where we introduce Christmas to the store, have a couple of demos, and offer a lot of Christmas ideas and kits.  I have to have the quilt done by then because we are going to kit it.

I never got a chance to post this last night because I fell asleep at about 9:00.  I was wiped out, and I fell asleep watching a movie with my hubby.  He hates that, and will tell you that it happens a lot.  He is right ... I do often fall asleep while we watch a movie late at night.  We were watching Zookeeper with Kevin James as the star.  It was rated PG and really funny.  It was a cute movie and one that was appropriate for all ages; a little potty humor, but no bad words, etc.  (I know this only because I watched it this a.m. with my daughter; I didn't catch much of it last night.)  The animal's voices ranged from Sylvester Stallone, Cher, Adam Sandler to name a few.  Check it out.  Okay, off to sew some more.  Have I told you all how happy I am to have you here reading my blog?  It gives me someone to report to, to be held accountable.  It's also nice to know that I have friends in cyberspace that care about what I'm up to and to keep me company day to day!  Thank you!!!

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